Well, how bout that!?! Here we are, deep in the throws of the cherry harvest seasons for the Southern Hemisphere growing regions, enjoying tasty, fresh summer fruits and eating too much at the end-of-year Christmas parties.
What a year it's been.
In this month's last email newsletter, we wanted to take a moment to reflect and offer our gratitude to the many customers, suppliers and partners that trusted us to work with them towards favourable outcomes in their business.
GP Graders would also like to take this opportunity to wish you all health and prosperity for the festive season and the years ahead.
Success, Growth and Gratitude in 2022
We’d like to take a few moments to reflect on the success and growth of 2022.
A new concept to answer main problems with traditional graders.
Milbor PMC, our exclusive distributor for European growers and packers, shared some thoughts about the AirJet® Blueberry Grader in an article posted to Fresh Plaza.
If there's something of interest to share with us or you'd like to see a topic covered by our marketing team, feel free to get in contact: marketing@gpgraders.com
Jase (The Marketing Guy at GP Graders)
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